It is quite possible that the company's sales will go down and customers will leave as a result of workers' retirement. In addition, there are cases where workers quit one after another triggered by the retirement of one person. 3. The concept of “freedom to retire” under the Labor Standards Act and points to note Retirement Freedom Notes Freedom of retirement is a right guaranteed to workers, but if workers leave freely, it will lead to great damage to the company. However, if a company forcibly detains a worker who wishes to retire, it may cause serious trouble, so be careful. From here, I would like to explain my thoughts on the freedom to retire.
Please note that detention does not have legal binding force. Some companies even try to detain workers when they tell them they want to retire. In particular, there are many cay mobile number list uses in which workers are retained because they do not want them to retire until a successor is found. It is said that some companies even order workers to secure successors. Labor Standards Inspection Offices and lawyers' offices have received many legal consultations regarding such obstruction of retirement. However, workers have the freedom to retire, and employers must consider workers retiring as a reasonable possibility.
There is no legal binding force on the restraint that a successor cannot be found, and workers can quit after two weeks if they tell them their intention to quit. Also, workers do not have to secure their own replacements. 3-2.It is important to aim for a harmonious retirement by avoiding risks In some cases, employers refuse to accept workers' wishes to retire and try to retain them by withholding salaries or withholding severance pay. However, refusal to pay salaries, overtime pay, and retirement benefits violates laws such as the Labor Standards Act.