\"Having spontaneity in a relationship is good, but if your guy or girl is always canceling at the last minute to do something that 'just came up,' that's a deal-breaker,\" matchmaker Bonnie Winston told Insider. \"It shows they do not respect your time, your plans and your interests. For example, if the person blows you off without much notice for something like a sports thing with their friends, that's a deal-breaker.\"
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\"Not being close to or on the same page concerning spending money is a deal-breaker and many cannot get over the strain of finances,\" Winston said. \"Additionally some people feel being consistently cheap with everything, bad tipping, or rudeness to waiters is a deal-breaker as it indicates that someone is just not generous in other areas.\"
Although it seems like a simple thing to note as a deal-breaker, many people ignore the signs when there's a lack of interest from their partner, and according to Winston, it may not always be as simple to spot as you think.
\"If one partner makes the other partner feel unattractive, divvys out criticism of the way one dresses, comments on weight, or other things like that, it can come off as if they are not interested,\" she told Insider. \"Likewise, if one person always talks about themselves and never shows interest in you, your life, your job, your friends, or your family, that can, and probably should be, seen as a deal-breaker.\"
For many people, lack of ambition or drive in a partner can be a huge turn-off. That doesn't mean that it's a deal-breaker for everyone. But according to relationship expert and dating adviser Jeffery L. Miller, it should be.
She continued: \"Emotional abuse can be extremely damaging. Some examples include extreme control, like tracking your whereabouts, demanding that you don't spend time without them, and telling you that you are no good, worthless, and nothing without them. It can break someone down to the point that they don't believe they deserve any better and therefore continue to stay in an abusive relationship. If this is happening in your relationship, it should be a deal-breaker.\"
Even though respondents said they were looking for a partner making at least that much, only Baby boomers listed \"too low a salary\" as one of their top three dating deal breakers. The top deal breaker for this generation was personal loans. Credit card debt and no investments vied for the third place.
People may dream of a steady job with a good work-life balance for the long term, but across regions, candidates who are weighing a concrete job offer usually make the financial package their highest priority, and they identify inadequate salaries and bonuses as the biggest deal breakers (21%). Work-life balance (in accordance with people's long-term vision) ranks second (19%), and job security third (15%).
There's a lot of dead air in the endearingly eccentric Japanese science-fiction thriller \"Before We Vanish.\" That's bound to be a deal-breaker for many viewers given that this film clocks in at 130 minutes, and feels like it could easily be half as long. Then again, you shouldn't really expect much story or character development from this \"Invasion of the Body Snatchers\"-like alien invasion drama. Think of \"Before We Vanish\" as a very laid back hang-out movie that often coasts on off-kilter charm, and is frequently buoyed by basic, but stirring ideas that co-writer/director Kiyoshi Kurosawa (\"Pulse,\" \"Tokyo Sonata\") executes with characteristic flair. It's an unsettling, and sometimes high-concept doodle, but it's awfully hard to resist a film that marries Atomic Age paranoia and optimism with Kurosawa's signature post-modern, atmosphere-intensive style.
Now, its importance with smaller text is undeniable, but what about with movies? 4:2:0 subsampling has been an industry standard for a long time now, and it isn't without reason. The benefits of having full color in video are debatable, especially at 4k. It would be tough to recognize the difference between a full 4:4:4 sequence and the same content in 4:2:0.
I Got all my movies in my desktop pc if i press cast to a certain movie i can see them on the smart tv no problem the thing is that is very far away. So my idea is to use my android phone as a way of picking what to display on the tv without actually having to download it on my phone
If you don't use it often, or tend to let whatever's on just play out without much interaction in terms of controlling or sending remote commands often, then you may be able to get by with your smart TV's native SMB/DLNA playind options. Depending on the age of your hardware and network configuration, the rendering power may be lackluster and load times may be a deal breaker. Most smart TV's can be controlled via mobile phone, or if you're lucky and have, say, a Note 4 then you might have an IR blaster built directly into your phone, which would enable you to control your TV by line-of-sight without further apps needed. You can also get an IR blaster as an inexpensive dongle or relay. Note that Roku's can have dev mode enabled to gain access to remote commands and scripts/automation.
You can also check the notes you have made for each book, leave a bookmark in place (as opposed to the last page you were reading), and depending on the book, you may be able to use Amazon's 'X-Ray' feature which expand on phrases, locations, and topics in the book. This is a nice touch, but it's not universal so it's impossible to rely on. Although it's nice to use when it is available it's not a deal-breaker.
While the reading software is almost but not quite up to scratch, the video playback software is less user-friendly. While it hs the same ability to purchase and download content from the Amazon store, it only has a few video codecs for playback, which means copying movies over from your computer through the USB cable will not always result in a playable file on the tablet.
So far we finished a few games and it brings back so many memories we played Poptropica since we were 8 and now Im 22! Our only problem is that so far two islands are glitched for us so we cant finish them. 1. Mythology island: we cant enter the museum. It exits out of them game. 2. Survival island 1: everytime we use the handle to lift the boulder, the game crashes. We tried resetting our progress and it happens everytime :/ Other than that, we love the game. We noticed the copy clothing feature is gone except for poptropiCon island. Made us a little sad but its not a deal breaker for us. Love the game and the developers
We love this game so much and have played it for years,ever since around 3rd grade. Now as a 20 year old we find myself wanting to play again,but when we downloaded this app and tried to play the survival island it keeps crashing when we move the boulder. Wish we could play to it full potential but we guess it will be left in the past.
Very true.I've managed Ubuntu (and Kubuntu) machines for my parents, and I also help my wife with an OSX laptop.Apple gets a lot right but make no mistake, there are loads of serious inconvenient flaws in OSX. I am not talking about \"oh, it's so much easier in Debian\", but things that inconvenience my wife a lot while using the computer.I think the reference comparison for OSX users is the WinXP they upgraded from. Also there is the buyer of an expensive gadget, say Apple laptop, (unconsciously) trying to justify the decision. That distorts perspective a lot.Based on the experience of my parents using Ubuntu, I sincerely believe that Ubuntu beats OSX in usability in many aspects. However, even with a seasoned Linux husband to help, the number of 'deal breaker flaws' in Ubuntu was such that we ruled it out when replacing my wife's WinXP laptop. OSX is not perfect for anybody Posted Feb 7, 2012 12:32 UTC (Tue) by danieldk (guest, #27876) [Link] 076b4e4f54